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En la última conferencia de ACM SIGMOD (Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interes Group on Management of Data) de diciembre de 2007 le hicieron una entrevista a Ricardo Baeza, creo que sin equivocarme nuestro principal referente internacional en el mundo de la computación y en particular en lo referido a investigación de dicha ciencia. La entrevista versa sobre: investigación en recuperación de información, investigación aplicada en Chile y la relación entre investigación y empresa. les recomiendo leerla (se puede bajar desde Entrevista Ricardo Baeza), adjunto abstract de la entrevista:
Welcome to this installment of ACM SIGMOD Record’s series of interviews with distinguished members of the database community. I’m Marianne Winslett, and today we are at the ICDE 2007 conference in Istanbul. I have here with me Ricardo Baeza-Yates, who is the vice president of Yahoo! Research in Europe and Latin America. Before that, he was a professor of computer science at the University of Chile for many years. His research interests include information retrieval, databases, algorithms, and user interfaces, and he is a co-author of one of the most widely used books on information retrieval. Ric’s PhD is from the University of Waterloo. So, Ric, welcome!